Well helloooo.
I didn't realize how much time I spend on these things until I counted it up for this one. I spent some random amount time picking songs over the course of a couple weeks, then an hour recording it last week but it was just a test run to see how I felt the songs should fit together. After listening to that a few times (an hour each time), I move songs around and figure out the transition points then record it and listen to it a few times again. So then yesterday, I recorded it 3 separate times, listened to it probably 5, then listened to the almost finished one all day today taking notes on little things to change. Finally I came home tonight and recorded it one more time, then listened one more time. In total thats around 15 hours...
When you're waiting for something you know is important, it doesn't really matter how long it takes.
Download it!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Roller-coaster Ride
If I ever own an amusement park I'm going to have a ride called Life. It'll go something like this. The attendee takes the next person in line and straps them in where he pleases, you don't get to choose if you want the front or back or middle because fuck that, this is life. Once the ride has some people (sometimes full and sometimes not it's up to the dude working, not you) the ride starts. It'll have spots that are slow and boring to the point where you want to get off and go try a different ride, and spots that flip and turn and are exciting and so awesome that you want to stay on the ride forever. But then it'll slow down again while you wait for the next spurt of excitement. But the next one won't be good excitement, it'll be scary how fast it goes and you'll feel terrible and hate the ride. Sometimes it'll be awesome and you'll love life, others you have to just close your eyes, be strong, and get through it.
Slow times are slow and excitement will come randomly. Don't get bored and sidetracked about the goals you have in mind for the future. It's hard to be confident in the things you are doing when there aren't immediate results but work hard and it will come.
I was really happy with my last mix for multiple reasons. Solid transitions, good song choices, and great energy flow. I've gotten some criticism on it from a couple people who know what they're talking about and am excited to work on that in the next one. I started mentally piecing together a new one and am slowly putting it together. Aiming for higher energy throughout the whole thing while still hitting that emotional energy connection I wanted in the last one.
Here's a few songs that I'll probably be using:
Slow times are slow and excitement will come randomly. Don't get bored and sidetracked about the goals you have in mind for the future. It's hard to be confident in the things you are doing when there aren't immediate results but work hard and it will come.
I was really happy with my last mix for multiple reasons. Solid transitions, good song choices, and great energy flow. I've gotten some criticism on it from a couple people who know what they're talking about and am excited to work on that in the next one. I started mentally piecing together a new one and am slowly putting it together. Aiming for higher energy throughout the whole thing while still hitting that emotional energy connection I wanted in the last one.
Here's a few songs that I'll probably be using:
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Lets get official.
Alright so progress has inevitably come through with the work I've been putting in. But the work doesn't feel like work because it's fun. Either way... like my fan page on Facebook.
Lets get me out there.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Mix 22: Energetic Inspiration
So this is the mix I originally recorded on Wednesday, but re-recorded live at Towers on Friday.
There was a lot of inspiration with this one. Most of the songs bring up memories within me that bring up feelings and they all create that same inner passion that takes me from closing my eyes, to singing, to wanting to get up and dance. It wasn't hard to choose the songs for this one, as I go through my daily playlist, when a song sparks the right memories and feelings, I would take note. After that it was just about the structure. The beginning is slow and passionate and as it flow from song to song the energy transfers somehow I don't even know how to fully explain it. By the end of it I hope you'll be fist pumping like I am. It's really interesting to be able to play with the energy like that and if you want to test it out listen to the whole mix and when it is done restart it. It sounds almost slow and boring and you can feel yourself wanting the high energy that is at the end of the mix. The songs are almost the same tempo but the sounds and feel of them create a totally different atmosphere. I'm beginning to learn the true art of DJing which isn't just matching tempo's and choosing songs, but really controlling the energy of the listener.
It's cool to be able to track my progress like this. It will always be reminder of putting the pieces of the puzzle together and being able to look back and smile no matter what happens.
Also, I like the title of this one.
Download it!
So this is the mix I originally recorded on Wednesday, but re-recorded live at Towers on Friday.
There was a lot of inspiration with this one. Most of the songs bring up memories within me that bring up feelings and they all create that same inner passion that takes me from closing my eyes, to singing, to wanting to get up and dance. It wasn't hard to choose the songs for this one, as I go through my daily playlist, when a song sparks the right memories and feelings, I would take note. After that it was just about the structure. The beginning is slow and passionate and as it flow from song to song the energy transfers somehow I don't even know how to fully explain it. By the end of it I hope you'll be fist pumping like I am. It's really interesting to be able to play with the energy like that and if you want to test it out listen to the whole mix and when it is done restart it. It sounds almost slow and boring and you can feel yourself wanting the high energy that is at the end of the mix. The songs are almost the same tempo but the sounds and feel of them create a totally different atmosphere. I'm beginning to learn the true art of DJing which isn't just matching tempo's and choosing songs, but really controlling the energy of the listener.
It's cool to be able to track my progress like this. It will always be reminder of putting the pieces of the puzzle together and being able to look back and smile no matter what happens.
Also, I like the title of this one.
Download it!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Mix energy and structure.
If you tuned in to my little live stream on Wednesday night thank you and hope you enjoyed it. You would have gotten a preview of the mix I recorded during it. I'm going to re-do the mix though because I'm not fully happy with it for a couple reasons.
Walking around listening to the music I've been playing all day every day brings my energy up and down and messes with my thoughts and feelings. There are songs that make you want to close your eyes and sing lyrics in the middle of a bus ride until a drop hits. The energy that comes up is one of pure emotional connection and when that beat drops you just want to let it all out and move to the music. I decided to structure a mix based on this type of energy and it is actually really good except for a few technical things which will be fixed when I record it again.
Channeling this energy and making it flow from song to song is what I was concentrating on and you can really feel it. Once the connection is made to the music through the lyrics and soft sounds the energy can be moved to songs that have the same feel but don't have the same emotional connection. The songs all have the same speed but as the feel of them changes the energy goes up with it and all of a sudden you're listening to a song that you have never heard and don't understand why it is still controlling your feelings. Cool stuff. I heard once that sounds are one of the things you can literally feel because the sound waves vibrate the receptors in your ear and are translated to your body via magic. Puts a new perspective on music.
I'll attempt to record the mix live tomorrow while I'm playing at Towers so hopefully it goes well. Would love for you to stop by again.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Can't Stop Me Now
So I just had a conversation with this guy about why we're in school and what our goals are. I told him I'm taking some law classes in case I want to go the direction of law school and lawyerism. His instant response was, "impossible". I had no idea what he meant. "Impossible?" I asked. He proceeded to tell me about how many people he knows that have tried and failed in getting in to law school and all I could think was "Who the fuck cares?"
I've never been more determined in my life than right now. Set your goals, and reach them. There is no "trying" to do something. You just do it. 2 years ago I said I was going to try my hand at DJing and it turns out I'm good at it because I have a passion for it. I want to make people dance so I go up and do it. The thought of something being impossible has never even occurred to me. If you want to do something you obtain the knowledge and skills you need and then do it. Be the best at it if you want I don't care. Just don't be afraid of the commitment or work that it takes because when you achieve what you want it is the best thing in the world. And the best part is when you are doing it you become the happiest person in the world.
Had to get that out, even though no one actually reads this.
Feel good.
I've never been more determined in my life than right now. Set your goals, and reach them. There is no "trying" to do something. You just do it. 2 years ago I said I was going to try my hand at DJing and it turns out I'm good at it because I have a passion for it. I want to make people dance so I go up and do it. The thought of something being impossible has never even occurred to me. If you want to do something you obtain the knowledge and skills you need and then do it. Be the best at it if you want I don't care. Just don't be afraid of the commitment or work that it takes because when you achieve what you want it is the best thing in the world. And the best part is when you are doing it you become the happiest person in the world.
Had to get that out, even though no one actually reads this.
Feel good.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Old Mixes Suck
Hola! Como estan?! Estoy Bien. Mi biblioteca es muy alto. Tengo quatro libros en mi mochilla! Jajaja.
I burnt a CD a little while back with all of my mixes on it. I honestly can't even listen to them anymore. Definitely a great indication of how much I've progressed as a DJ but sadly I have to take them down because I don't want people to listen to them. I'm leaving up the ones I like.
If there are any you would like I'd be glad to send them to you via email or facebook or even burn a little mix cd for you.
Get at me.
And here's a song for you.
I burnt a CD a little while back with all of my mixes on it. I honestly can't even listen to them anymore. Definitely a great indication of how much I've progressed as a DJ but sadly I have to take them down because I don't want people to listen to them. I'm leaving up the ones I like.
If there are any you would like I'd be glad to send them to you via email or facebook or even burn a little mix cd for you.
Get at me.
And here's a song for you.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Mix 21: Connected Reasons
Oh my god I'm so glad school is back in session I'm having so much fun it's just awesome waking up early and... no.
Busy busy busy. Full time school, trying to make that money, and trying to try and be a real DJ. No time for sleep, or games, or a wife. But then I sit down and make a mix like this, and I love what I'm doing. So download this, listen to it, and turn the world off for 45 minutes or so.
Enjoy <3
Download it!
Oh my god I'm so glad school is back in session I'm having so much fun it's just awesome waking up early and... no.
Busy busy busy. Full time school, trying to make that money, and trying to try and be a real DJ. No time for sleep, or games, or a wife. But then I sit down and make a mix like this, and I love what I'm doing. So download this, listen to it, and turn the world off for 45 minutes or so.
Enjoy <3
Download it!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Mix 20: Fur Trish

So as usual, good news, and bad news. Which first?
Good news: Been making some connections with a few people at Boodang as well as the manager at Y afterhours and things are slowly progressing.
Bad news: Summer is over in like 5 days. Wtf sauce. Also, I wrote off my car by means of hitting a curb and flipping it upside down. Would have had this mix up a few days ago if not for dealing with these things.
Anyways, here is a new mix, in memory of my lovely car. Remembering the good times and that I walked away without a scratch, giving me the chance to get better at this little thing called DJing. Super cliche, but live life like you won't wake up tomorrow. Be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best.
Enjoy <3
Download it!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Mix 19: Come on Baby
A new fwylo begins! The promotions company known as Boodang is having a little DJing mix contest that I would like to pretend I'm participating in. A half hour long mix due August 1 to impress them enough to be part of their "club" team. This is quite different from the mixes I have been doing in a sense of music selection. I used a couple songs that I'm sure no one as heard as well as a few popular vocal house songs. Either way, this is the type of music that I've fallen in to loving the most and the direction my DJing will be taking.
Enjoy, especially you, Boodang.
Download it!
A new fwylo begins! The promotions company known as Boodang is having a little DJing mix contest that I would like to pretend I'm participating in. A half hour long mix due August 1 to impress them enough to be part of their "club" team. This is quite different from the mixes I have been doing in a sense of music selection. I used a couple songs that I'm sure no one as heard as well as a few popular vocal house songs. Either way, this is the type of music that I've fallen in to loving the most and the direction my DJing will be taking.
Enjoy, especially you, Boodang.
Download it!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Mix 18: Messin' Around
Well hello.
Turns out the manager that worked at Treasury and was going to get me in there quit so that hook up is no longer happening. Thus, I've just been practicing and having my own private dance parties. Half way through a practice session I decided to record it for a little unplanned mix. Hope you like it!
Download it!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Mix 17: The Treasury
Good news! I'm in talks with a manger at The Treasury that I know and we're talking about getting me in there to play in a couple weeks. Movin' on up!! I wanted to make him a little sample mix so he knows what he's getting in to and such. I've got a couple older songs on here, things from the 90s and the 00's and of course some new stuff. I really like this mix. Hope you do too!
There are a couple of requests on here from a friend, if you want to hear anything on the next one get at me and I'll throw it in there!
Download it!
Good news! I'm in talks with a manger at The Treasury that I know and we're talking about getting me in there to play in a couple weeks. Movin' on up!! I wanted to make him a little sample mix so he knows what he's getting in to and such. I've got a couple older songs on here, things from the 90s and the 00's and of course some new stuff. I really like this mix. Hope you do too!
There are a couple of requests on here from a friend, if you want to hear anything on the next one get at me and I'll throw it in there!
Download it!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Mix 16: Pimpin' Leap Year
Hi there.
Hope you popped in to watch the live stream while I recorded this. If not, oh well. This mix is pretty fun. I tried a little live remix/transition with Party Rock Anthem and Big Pimpin' and it turned out alright. I screwed it up live so I just edited it down a bit to make it sound better. Bit of everything on this one!
Download it!
Hope you popped in to watch the live stream while I recorded this. If not, oh well. This mix is pretty fun. I tried a little live remix/transition with Party Rock Anthem and Big Pimpin' and it turned out alright. I screwed it up live so I just edited it down a bit to make it sound better. Bit of everything on this one!
Download it!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Mix 15: Twenty Twelve
New year. New music. I've been listening to the new Skrillex and Steve Aoki albums like crazy. They have some great songs so I put a few of them in here. Should hear them on the radio in the next few months.
I was practicing some scratching and recorded it so I'll put that one up as well. It has about 10 minutes of me just messing around before the actual mix.
Let me know what you think!
This is the regular one.
Download it!
This is the one with the extra scratching.
Download it!
I was practicing some scratching and recorded it so I'll put that one up as well. It has about 10 minutes of me just messing around before the actual mix.
Let me know what you think!
This is the regular one.
Download it!
This is the one with the extra scratching.
Download it!
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