Thursday, October 4, 2012

Can't Stop Me Now

So I just had a conversation with this guy about why we're in school and what our goals are. I told him I'm taking some law classes in case I want to go the direction of law school and lawyerism. His instant response was, "impossible".  I had no idea what he meant. "Impossible?" I asked. He proceeded to tell me about how many people he knows that have tried and failed in getting in to law school and all I could think was "Who the fuck cares?"

I've never been more determined in my life than right now. Set your goals, and reach them. There is no "trying" to do something. You just do it. 2 years ago I said I was going to try my hand at DJing and it turns out I'm good at it because I have a passion for it. I want to make people dance so I go up and do it. The thought of something being impossible has never even occurred to me. If you want to do something you obtain the knowledge and skills you need and then do it. Be the best at it if you want I don't care. Just don't be afraid of the commitment or work that it takes because when you achieve what you want it is the best thing in the world. And the best part is when you are doing it you become the happiest person in the world.

Had to get that out, even though no one actually reads this.

Feel good.


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