Wednesday, January 29, 2014

For Now or Forever. A mix and a few thoughts.

It's been a while since my last post.

My life has been busy with music and school and work. For a time, my thoughts had personal outlets and my life questions had disappeared.

But once again, life has provided to be untrustworthy and unpredictable. Like most people I am lucky enough to have a comfortable place to call home. A roof over my head, money for food, and people around me that would support me, whatever my current crazy idea would be. Having a physical/emotional/mental place that we can take ourselves for as long as we need to reset and get back on our feet is the greatest gift anyone can give.

But no matter how much we are supported and loved, there are times that we can't help but feel alone. The heart and mind that reside within our bodies are unique, in every sense of the word, and we must live with the conflict that arises between them. Our minds search for the challenge of uncertainty while our hearts provide their greatest warmth during times of comfort and pleasure. We attach ourselves to the things that make us happy; never fully considering whether they will be there forever or not. Put simply, people get angry when things don't go the way they want or expect -- it happens to all of us. Some can control this feeling more than others but in the end we all feel it in one way or another.

Your only responsibility in life is to keep your mind excited and your heart happy in any way, shape, or form. Do yourself a favour and cherish the moments that you have a smile on your face and the pressures of life disappear. If only for a moment, close your eyes, forget about the world, and let your soul remain still. If you can do this it doesn't matter who is watching, what your plans are for the weekend, or what you need to make for supper tonight. Learn to do this all the time and you will forever be happy.

My music provides me with this very release. A time where I can disappear in to myself and let all my emotions run free. My body and soul sit completely still. My heart is open and I no longer think, only feel.

This mix is painful to me. I shed a few tears while making it and it makes me want to hold my heart when I listen to it. It represents a person that gave me more than I ever expected but that life has required me to let go of. This mix plays and I picture a friendly stranger walking down a long road, alone.

I hope the best for you all on your unique and painful journeys.



Remain Still.

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