Some of the tutorials or pro tips or whatever say to record everything you do so you can listen to it and pick out mistakes to improve upon but I wasn't even doing that. Just sitting in the basement every day for a couple hours messing around with beats and acapellas and honestly it all sounded terrible but it was fun and I was learning. I stuck it out because I was in love with what I was doing.
I had, and still have, a constant craving to be playing music.
My uncle asked me to make a warm-up mix for the hockey team he was coaching about 4 months after I had gotten in to it. I downloaded a couple programs, bought some cables, figured it out, and wham bam thank you ma'am my first mix was done. After that it's been 2 years that have flown by with almost a mix a month since then. I've now played weddings, parties, school dances, clubs, even a 12 hour dance marathon in which I refused to let myself repeat a song.
Recently being brought on by Connected Entertainment has been a great experience. Getting to work with experienced DJ's and being a person to know for these events is fun. Meeting some of these world known DJ's and being part of these massive events is amazing. But at the same time it is frustrating. I have developed a need to have my hands on the turntables and play music for people. I love to be playing music for people and see it move from their ears to their muscles as they itch to get up and dance. The frustration comes from the tease of these events. Finding something I love being passionate about but can't show is like being starving with a plate of food in front of you and being told if you touch it that it will disappear.
As a newcomer to Connected and just the industry in general there is so much patience that is demanded. Pretending to be a big shot when no ones knows your name is exactly that, pretending. Working on the events in general doing simple things like facebook promotions or just appearing at all the events whether I have an actual set time or not is fun but taxing. The work is going in and the results aren't happening nearly as fast as I want them to. Playing for a nearly empty room or having a set time that gets screwed up and playing for no one is disappointing and it's so hard to remind myself that it is all part of the process. I know I have the ability to rock a huge crowd and take people on a mini musical journey with me but I have to work for it and I'm so thankful for the potential opportunity to do so. I want it more than anything I've ever wanted.
I understand now that for this to be as real I want to to be with results I want. It has to be about everything. It has to be about me starting from nothing and building something that will give me the strength and foundation to be as good and as passionate as I need to be so that when it happens it isn't cheap and worthless. I know it will be frustrating, and there will be times that it doesn't go as far as I'm dying for it to go. But in the end the wait and struggle will be worth it and I will own something that I've worked hard for and that will last forever.