So as usual, good news, and bad news. Which first?
Good news: Been making some connections with a few people at Boodang as well as the manager at Y afterhours and things are slowly progressing.
Bad news: Summer is over in like 5 days. Wtf sauce. Also, I wrote off my car by means of hitting a curb and flipping it upside down. Would have had this mix up a few days ago if not for dealing with these things.
Anyways, here is a new mix, in memory of my lovely car. Remembering the good times and that I walked away without a scratch, giving me the chance to get better at this little thing called DJing. Super cliche, but live life like you won't wake up tomorrow. Be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best.
Enjoy <3
Download it!